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Gurdjieff's Enneagram & Stages of sound in process of manifestation
Question: This is a doubt that arose when we talked about the relationship that sound is having with the Universe. Whether there's any...

Watching mind in depressing thoughts
Question: Sir, While watching thoughts occuring in the mind even if the thoughts cease the emotions caused may remain . So we start...
Gurdjieff's Listening & Thinking
Question: It's a question regarding Gurdjieff only. Regarding men and women, Gurdjieff had told that man is intelligent. He should always...
Nearness to Oneness
Question: The 'Saaroopyam' and 'Saalokyam' with the God or Guru one believes as is often told....What is that actually? How much it will...
Desire in journey to fulfillment
Q: You have explained how desire can lead to realization. The order you mentioned is saturation, renunciation and realisation. When I...
Materialisation of thoughts
Question: Do all thoughts formed in our minds, I am speaking about common man, attain fruition? When a thought passes through the mind it...
Four Stages in fulfillment of desires
Q: Is it at the end of complete fulfillment of experiences that I attain enlightenment ? A: Definitely. Right from the period 1988-89, I...
Organic accommodation of nature
Q: Sir, we have been told that a situation has to be accepted as it is , accept things as they are etc. But right from birth till death...
Will power and Fasting
Question: Sir, yesterday while answering a question by Shyam ,you had mentioned that the difficulty in fasting is that it tends to weaken...
Harms to Gurus & Karmic results
Binil Kumar: Sir, when you spoke, you said that when a Buddha's mind is worried it means many minds are worried. But when an ordinary...
Consciousness to matter
Question: Would you please explain about the concept of matter? Krishnan Kartha: Consciousness is being changed into matter. Yes...
Fasting & Karma
Shyam:- All religions are giving importance to fasting. So how our fasting can affect our accumulated karma? Can it burn our karma? Have...
Subconscious minds & the enlightened ones
Questioner: Sir you have told that if a person goes into a depressed state at once, minds which are in connection with such a depression...
Astral beings & thought
Question : It has already been told that we have to keep our house and premises neat and clean. Also as told, there are gross and subtle...

Viswapraana not baneful
Viswapraana comes under consciousness and nature. Viswapraana is creating all the movements. Not only that, it's acting as a baneful...
Is the world an illusion
Question: If we say world as an illusion, is the life in it not an illusion? Whether the karma involved in life not an illusion? The...
A Master is never morose
Question: What the sage said about the child as an example it is a very fitting example. But I had mentioned on the point of awareness...
Is enlightenment a violation of natural law
Question: During the time of entry into a state of unconsciousness from consciousness, how a man has to live in unconsciousness, whether...
Pain & the enlightened ones
Binil Kumar: Sir, can there be a difference in the quality of what a conscious person experiences and what a normal human being...
Freewill, Cause and Effect
Question:- Sir, one doubt, how this cause and effect and freewill are related? Like that, all the things that we see, or as we observe,...
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